
Resources and Support

Primary School Secondary School

Additional resources and support are available through the Community Road Safety Grants Program.

Note: this excludes the Bike Ed Instructor Training, which is now available through an Expression of Interest process.  For information on becoming an accredited Bike Ed Instructor, visit Accreditation and Training.


VicRoads and other organisations provide bicycle trailers with student bicycles, adult bicycles, helmets, vests and dome markers. The bicycle trailers are available for hire but demand is often high so they need to be booked well ahead. Contact details are provided in the table below:

SuburbNameContact Details
BallaratVicRoads Ballarat Office
Di Nevett
0418 364 013
Bendigo*Bike BendigoPeter Bourke
0438 871 271
RoadSafe Otway
Cliff McAliece
FitzroyFitzroy Police
(03) 9934 6400
GeelongCorio-Norlane Lions Club
John McKinnin
LaraLara Secondary College(03) 5282 8988
LeongathaWonthaggi Police Station(03) 5671 4100
MansfieldSt. Mary's Primary School(03) 5775 2670
Metro MelbourneMelbourne Community 
Bike Ed and Hire 
0407 352 126
MilduraMildura Rural City CouncilTressna Martin
0458 745 695
MorwellLatrobe City Depot(03) 5128 5664
Notting HillCity of Monash(03) 9518 3555
PakenhamCardinia Shire Council1300 787 624
RainbowRainbow Secondary College
0429 022 739
(03) 5395 1027
SaleWellington Shire CoundilMelissa Bransdon
(03) 5142 3012
Swan HillRoadSafe Central MurrayRoadSafe Central Murray
WangarattaRoadSafe NorthEast
Glen Clarke
0409 838 241
WonthaggiWonthaggi Police Station
(03) 5671 4100
YarragonFirst Track Adventures
0427 342 761

* This trailer contains equipment for the BikeEd Challenge and does not contain bikes.

Who Else Can Help Me?

The Ride2School program is delivered by Bicycle Network Victoria. Ride2School is a behaviour change program which aims to increase the number of students walking and riding to and from school. Ride2School supports the implementation of Bike Safety Education Programs in schools, as this program equips young people with the skills and knowledge to ride to and from school safely.

Ride2School website

Cycling Safe Pty Ltd provides Bike Ed Instructor Training for Victorian school-based cycling programs. They also deliver private cycling training for all needs.

Cycling Safe website